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as shortly when you purchase it


as shortly when you purchase it Empty as shortly when you purchase it

帖子  zhang11 周二 九月 27, 2011 11:12 am

Tip #1 - The walls are your best asset in any small , A small miracle for creating space and keeping your floor clean and clear are adjustable, vertical shelving units.mont blanc ,
There are many esthetically pleasing and affordable options available in stores.mont blanc pens , Ikea, The Container Store, Wal Mart and Target are the main stores that offer such shelving options. Look for units that are easily assembled and disassembled; check out the Elfa line at The Container Store. It consists of durable, adjustable and great looking wall units.
To keep your shelves clean and organized, you can find bright, fun and colorful boxes to keep things all put together.

Tip #2 ?Make defined living spaces! Like a space to study, a sitting area, sleeping area and a place to eat. Maximize the area of each separate space. Focus first on function, then use your creativity to make it appealing!
Think about multiple uses for each item and get creative, like an eating area can double as a study area with just the addition of a table cloth. Find stools or little chairs, grab two and set them beside the table for friends. Be sure to find a table unit with basket storage beneath it. One side can hold eating utensils pens, pencils, stapler, tape, ruler, calculator, etc) the other school supplies (staplers, pen, pencils, etc) all under the table that already has multiple uses. Put a chair or stool on both sides of it (so two people can sit and eat together). In comes the vertical shelving ?mount a few shelves above the study/eating area to hold dishes, school binders and text books.

Tip #3 ?Love the space you create. Add some paint that fits your personality ?wild or soothing. A little paint can make such a difference. You can make a big difference in small spaces by painting the walls and even the ceiling. Now if you can paint, you can use fabric or posters. Try some window treatments and temporary fabric coverings over existing armoires, pick up some of your favorite prints and hang them on bare spaces. A space you love and create will make you more likely to keep it organized and cool.

The Golden Rule: Make a place for everything so everything can be in its place. Its easy for a small space to become cluttered and messy, which only makes it look smaller. Design your space so that things have a place to be. This will ensure that your new dorm room will be a very cool, very organized space!


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注册日期 : 11-08-18

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